Legacy System

What is the Legacy System?

It’s all about you – build wealth by investing in growth property, become self-funded from a portfolio of assets generating passive income, and create a legacy of financial prosperity.

Does it happen overnight? No. Do you need to be motivated and determined? Yes.

Most Australians have very little net worth and retire on the aged pension. What causes this? In our experience it’s because people didn’t have a feasible plan and commit to it.

We are determined to change this. Our mission is to change peoples lives.

As working Australians, people live off the income they earn from their employment and most people have no other source of income. You can’t get wealthy by giving your time to a job and earning a wage in return. What happens when you reach the time to wind down and retire? Who gives you an income then, if you’re no longer working and getting paid by your employer, who pays you? The government?

We live in Australia, in the land of enormous opportunity.

What is the difference between rich people and poor people? The rich had a plan and took action to invest their money into income-producing assets. They had a plan to make their money work for them, so one day they could stop working for money. They continue to add to their personal asset columns and over time they become rich, and then richer and richer. Assets grow in value and deliver income.

There’s opportunity everywhere for Australians to get ahead.

Some people just need a nudge in the right direction – let us nudge you… and we’ll then lead you down the road that we took ourselves.