A Typical Client of Ours

If you have a net worth of $200,000 and you’ve been working for 20 years, you have only accumulated $10,000 per year. You can’t get financially independent doing that. What will your retirement look like if you continue on this path?

Before entering our Legacy System, a client’s financial position tends to look something like this. Here’s a recent client of ours who found us online.

They own a $450,000 home with approximately $265,000 non-tax deductible home loan, with over 20 years left to pay at about $2,000 per month.

You can’t get wealthy losing $2,000 a month for the next 20 years. After paying all that interest to the bank and making them rich, you’re left with just your home. Having your home paid off is fantastic, and that’s one of our major goals for you, but without anything else in your asset column how do you survive in retirement?

Even if the home has doubled in value and you sell it to free up cash, you then have to go rent somewhere dictated by your income at retirement age. The other option is to buy again, also dictated by your income at the later stage in your life. Will the bank offer you finance without employment? Or will you need to spend all of the money you made when you sold the family home to buy again. What nest egg do you live on then?

You need a better plan than that.

We guide you to build wealth. Create a self-funded retirement. And build a prosperous legacy to leave for generations to come.

Read on to learn the next steps in how any average Aussie can achieve these outcomes.