Self Funded Retirement

What does a happy retirement look like to you? Our clients have often commented that we’re in the business of “delivering happiness”. It’s a wonderful statement made by people who have followed our Legacy System and put themselves in a position to retire and live off the income their investment properties are generating. We’re so pleased to have played a small helping part in their success and legacy.

This is a major part of the Legacy System. As we build wealth we continue to pay off debt. By doing so our clients enter retirement with dozens of income streams that pay enormous passive income.

Recent clients we manage were onto their 5th property and spending the final years of their working life reducing the final debt they had. It’s forecasted that their 5 investment properties will generate them a passive income of $3,413.25 per week. That’s income generated from their investments and once they’ve paid off their years of good debt, they’ll have $0.00 debt to their names.

What could you do in retirement with over $3,000 of weekly income and no debt? Would you be happy?

It’s said we help and guide people to change their lives through strategic property investment,, although what the Legacy System really delivers is a roadmap to financial happiness.