What’s Your Legacy?

There comes a time when we all must leave this life. As dark as that may sound, we believe it also brings a mindset that what we do between now and then will determine our individual legacies. We’re on a path to helping clients build wealth and to take care of themselves during retirement to live life to the fullest. And when the inevitable time comes to leave, the founders of MARSH & EVANS and our clients are set to leave behind a portfolio of prosperity.

When we help our clients invest, we are no longer talking about holding each asset for 10 years, or even 15 or 20 years. We no longer need to think like that. Why cap our legacy, why limit our thinking? When we’re investing, we’re targeting areas with close proximity to capital CBDs – regions which will continue to thrive for the next 100+ years.

Remember, we are investing in land. It’s the land component that grows in value while the homes we put on the land generates the income to help us hold the assets. The homes generate rent and that pays for the good debt we leverage to acquire the land.

The land we’re investing in will continue to grow as long as you hold the land in your portfolio. The capital CBDs of Australia will continue to be the central areas of each state for generations to come. Therefore when we’re investing in these areas we are not forecasting to hold them for only 10 years or 20 years, but 150 years. What will the assets be worth in 150 years time? We won’t be around to realise those values, but our future generations will be. Hold all of your hard earned assets for the long term. You will certainly need a few renovations in the decades to come, potentially even new homes built on the land. But the land will remain in your family. And remember, no one’s making any more land.

What an incredible legacy to leave to your grandchildren, and their grandchildren and their grandchildren. That’s the final destination of the Legacy System’s roadmap.