Property Type

What type of property do our clients invest in? The answer – the right type of property for the right stage of their roadmap.

The homes all feature stunning facades that are modern and appealing to future tenants and the potential resale market. We ensure the designs meet the estate’s style guidelines and that the same design is not featured nearby. The layouts are optimised to appeal to the broadest target of renters, to be rented quickly at market value.

We select areas and homes based on our Smart Selection Criteria to ensure long term growth and rental appeal. There’ll always be demand for the investment property due to the location we carefully target.

Land appreciates in value while the structure depreciates, but generates rental yield. Therefore maximum tax deductions and depreciation allowances are also factored into the property selection. We have to get the right structure on the block of land to ensure the strategy creates the most amount of income permitted. You may find two homes side-by-side that look the same, but each can have vastly different levels of depreciation value within.

Complete the enquiry form here to take a look at the facades and floor plans we favour.

Your portfolio will have a balanced level of investment homes and our investment consultants will discuss this in greater detail with you and guide you through the selection process.

To book a complimentary Discovery session, click here.