Property Management

The team at MARSH & EVANS know all too well how important property management is. If you’re not aware, let us be clear – it is critical.

The difference between a successful investment experience and an unsuccessful experience can simply come down to the property manager. Rent is the oxygen that feeds the strategy and therefore the management of your property and tenants is essential.

It’s essential that your Property Manager secures great tenants.




While our property investment consultants steer you down the path of achieving your investment goals, we don’t lose sight of the fact that getting your properties leased quickly and maintaining your properties to the highest standard, is a critical ingredient to your success. Therefore we manage every property that we help our clients invest in.

That’s the level of confidence that we have in the property we offer to our clients – we back it up by managing it.

Tailored customer service with a clear understanding of your investment strategy and goals, quality tenants and enhanced rental returns. Expert advice, efficiency and how we treat people, this is what sets us apart from our competition. We take the stress out of holding investment properties for the long term. We manage your property and tenants, so you can focus on what you need to do – your own job and investing. 

The property management team is the best in the business at delivering happy and smooth experiences. Click here to talk to one of our property management experts and to arrange an appraisal.

Our Legacy System clients enjoy a rental assurance with each investment property. If you’d like to find out more about this, please contact our investment team.