Property Investment

Have you ever thought to yourself “I wish I bought property 20 years ago? I’d be so much better off now. Or I wish my parents invested in property when they were younger?”

Below you’ll find a graph of median house price growth over the past 22 years in the major capital markets. Don’t those median prices look so affordable in today’s terms, although back then they were still a stretch for homeowners. Those that bought in the 90’s are sitting nicely now.

Try to pick a bad time to invest in the major capitals over the last 22 years? Sustainable growth areas are key.

What will you be saying to yourself in 20 years time? Will you regret not investing now, or will you be sitting comfortably and happy that you backed yourself and invested all those years ago? What will your children be saying, will they be saying the same thing about you, that they wish their parents had purchased property back all those years ago?

Property investment remains the number one vehicle for wealth creation for Australians. More millionaires made their initial wealth through residential real estate than any other asset class or business. With the correct strategy and support network, bricks and mortar can be safer and simpler and more successful than other investing.

While property is the most popular form of wealth creation in Australia, did you know that only 2% of Australian investors own more than two properties.

This tells us that those investors did not have the right investment structure in place to acquire more than two assets and achieve real wealth creation. Getting the structure right is essential to portfolio building that creates the kind of financial change we all aspire to.

Our investment clients are portfolio builders. We establish the basis and structure to build a portfolio of endless opportunity.

We have no hidden agendas. We offer a complete transparent model. We are a firm that puts its clients first. Our decisions are based on facts and figures and we invest enormous time and money into our research and analysis to enhance our clients success. If you succeed, we succeed, and that’s why we have such a high portion of repeat clients.