
There’s never a time in your career where you shouldn’t be thinking about your financial future and creating wealth for yourself (and your future family). We understand everyone applies themselves to their professional careers and you get caught up trying to climb the corporate ladder, particularly young professional. But investing is something that needs to be at your core for your entire working life. You need to get your hard earned money invested into appreciating assets and working for you – that’s an essential ingredient to a rewarding life.

Secure your financial future with strategic property investment.

Successful property investors acquire assets and hold for a lifetime. Investing shouldn’t just be something you start in your 30s or 40s, or when you settle down to start a family. Get your money working from you as early as you possibly can and you’ll reap the benefits in your later years.

To be successful at investing you need to hold assets through multiple price hikes to allow compounding growth to occur, so the earlier you start, the better the outcome!

Educate yourself 

Learn how the property markets work. There’s thousands of unique property markets across the country and investing outside of your current neighbourhood may just be the key to wealth. Identify what markets grow sustainably, and what types of properties rent better in those markets. Learn about budgeting and mortgages, start valuing properties and attending open for inspections. Learn the real estate space as early as you can, and then continue learning all about it – education is a lifelong journey.

When is the best time to buy real estate? As soon as you can afford to!

Like our team at Marsh & Evans, there are many professional property investors and advisors across Australia. We encourage you to invest your time and effort into educating yourself first, and then seek professional advice. Those professionals can help you create a plan to follow to retirement and then keep you on that path. Speak to a property investment strategist (like us), a mortgage broker and accountant.

Determine your personal goals and then understand who can help you achieve them. Build a network of people and resources.

Save your money

You can’t save your way to wealth. But saving money is important, you need to learn to budget and save money before you can invest your money. Save money on a regular basis and go hard at it, and then use that to fund assets.

If you don’t know how to budget or save money, speak to one of our trust financial planners to help you get on the right path. 


Many young professionals struggle with affordability of buying a home in the area they currently live. We understand affordability is a major issue in many parts of Australia, but on the other hand, it’s also not such a challenge in other great regions of Australia. There are many regions where we invest, areas close to major capital cities, that are growing and affordable to get into. 

We encourage our investors to have a borderless view of property investing. We work in all states and territories to ensure we are selecting areas that will experience long term sustainable growth, and these regions have a mix of price points.


Click here to seek professional advice to determine your investment capacity.

What’s critical? Acquiring the right asset type in the right area that will deliver sustainable growth. 

Tax depreciation

As investors our focus is on capital growth and cash flow. We don’t invest because of the tax advantages. Our clients don’t invest in property simply because there’s appealing tax depreciation available on the building. You do not invest because of tax breaks. Tax depreciation is simply a bonus.

Do you want to reduce your annual tax bill?

There’s lots of accountants who will recommend to their clients that to lower their taxable income they should buy or lease expensive cars to offset their taxable income. This is absurd! Never buy liabilities to reduce your taxable income. People should be lowering their taxable incomes by investing in appreciating assets, which is investing in their future wealth and retirements.

That’s the way to effectively lower your tax bill every year, buy property that will increase in value and create wealth, while it also reduces your taxable income.

To consult with our property strategists, or accountants or mortgage partners, please complete the enquiry form and we’ll put you in touch with the right person.