The First Step

The first step is to acquire an investment property. We choose our investment homes by applying our Smart Selection Criteria.

Investing in residential property means you’re on your way to building wealth. It also means you start to pay alot less tax. And, we’ll turbocharge the time left on your home loan and other debt now that you’re generating additional income.

Acquiring your first investment property with our Legacy System will commence your wealth creation and also the application to rid you of your non-tax deductible loans. How?

Removing the non-tax deductible bad debt from your life needs to happen as quickly as possible. Therefore with the additional new income streams from your investment property, you will target your home’s mortgage and get it paid off much quicker than you were scheduled to. An average client of ours may get it paid off in less than 5 years simply by investing in property and strategically applying the new income. You’ll pay off your bad debt while significantly building your wealth.

The investment property we select will be in an area that is expected to experience long term sustainable growth. This means the value will go up over time and you’ll continue to be rewarded for its growth for generations to come. Why sell at retirement when you can structure the assets to be held in your family for generations to come. Build a legacy.

During one of our consultations with you, we will explain what regions of Australia we are currently investing in. We’ll step you through our analysis of areas and decision making around asset selection. See our Smart Selection Criteria for a sample snapshot. We are a borderless firm, enabling us to consider all states and territories of Australia.

We implement a plan to acquire this first property so it doesn’t cost you anything out of your own pocket. We tap into your home’s equity. This is not saved money, it is sourced from a mortgage which you were going to take 20 years to pay off.

The investment property then gives you two additional sources of income. As Warren Buffett stated “never rely on a single source of income”. Now you’ll have the income from your job, plus the clear rental income (less expenses) and tax savings (this is real money saved) each month.


The Legacy System will utilise all of your income to target the non-tax deductible loans you have. All income will be applied to smashing off your home loan until it’s paid off in full.

Current Home Loan Payment = $2,027 per month
Clear Rental Income = $1,854 per month
Tax Savings = $833 per month

Once applying the entire monthly income of $4,714 towards your home loan, it can be paid off in approximately 5 years. 

But you’re just getting started in your investment journey. No one creates real wealth with just one asset. Duplicating the process is essential and where most investors fail. You won’t.